Qt slot function return value

PythonQt: PythonQtSlotInfo Class Reference Static Public Member Functions inherited from ... return value needs to be passed as first arg ... get the index of the slot (needed for qt_metacall)

Slots - PUC-Rio QObject is the base class to most Qt classes. ..... A callback is a pointer to a function that is called ... A slot can return values, but not through connections. ○. Qt Internals & Reversing - NTCore While the signals and slots technology introduced by Qt is very original, what ..... 0) { // normalize the return value as well // the trick here is to make a function ... Signals and slots - BlackBerry Native

Passing extra arguments to PyQt slots - Eli Bendersky's website

QNetworkAccessManager Class | Qt Network 5.12.3 Instead, supportedSchemes() will dynamically detect and call this slot. QIODevice Class | Qt Core 5.12.2 Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. QAbstractItemView Class | Qt Widgets 5.12

Sep 11, 2018 ... The signal is declared similarly to a regular function, except for a constraint on the return value - it has to be void . To emit the signal, we'll only ...

Return value of this function can be used for creating Qt connections using qt_core::connection API. fn expand_to_depth (&self) -> ExpandToDepth Returns an object representing a built-in Qt slot QTreeView::expandToDepth . QSpinBox — Qt for Python - doc-snapshots.qt.io The current value can be fetched with value() and set with setValue(). Clicking the up/down buttons or using the keyboard accelerator’s up and down arrows will increase or decrease the current value in steps of size singleStep(). If you want to change this behaviour you can reimplement the virtual function stepBy(). QObject Class Reference - University of Texas at Austin Warning: The return value of this function is not valid when the slot is called via a Qt.DirectConnection from a thread different from this object's thread. Do not use this function in this type of scenario. This function was introduced in Qt 4.8. See also sender(), QMetaObject.indexOfSignal(), and QMetaObject.method().

Qt 4.8: Signals & Slots

QFileDialog Class | Qt Widgets 5.12.3 This is a convenience static function that will return a file name selected by the user. The file does not have to exist.

QQuickItem Class | Qt Quick 5.12.2

On windowing systems that do not make this information visible to the application, isExposed() will simply return the same value as isVisible(). QSettings Class | Qt Core 5.12.2 ReadFunc is used in registerFormat() as a pointer to a function that reads a set of key/value pairs. ReadFunc should read all the options in one pass, and return all the settings in the SettingsMap container, which is initially empty. QGraphicsItem Class | Qt Widgets 5.12.3 The return value is unused; you cannot adjust anything in this notification. Note that the new child might not be fully constructed when this notification is sent; calling pure virtual functions on the child can lead to a crash. QWebEnginePage Class | Qt WebEngine 5.12.3 If the prompt was cancelled by the user, the implementation should return false; otherwise the result should be written to result and true should be returned.

All properties, slots and signals declared by the C++ Qt objects are ... Function qtdata:tostring() returns a Lua string representing the value contained in the Qt ... Qt Thread - [0] - 博客园 May 5, 2017 ... class Worker : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public slots: void .... The setLocalData() function stores a single thread-specific value for the calling thread. ... The activeThreadCount() function returns the number of threads ... 5.2. How to Use the Qt API - froglogic · Documentation This is because the property returns a QString object and the script functions to print a ..... data from those Qt widgets, and perform tests against expected values. QGlib - GStreamer