Replication slot does not exist

replication slot "repmgr_slot_2" does not exist after ...

Replication slot don't just disappear. Somebody or something must have deleted it. Perhaps the PostgreSQL database log of the primary server has valuable information. Did you promote a standby recently? Since replication slots are not replicated, that would make them disappear. PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.4: pg_replication_slots 48.39. pg_replication_slots. The pg_replication_slots view provides a listing of all replication slots that currently exist on the database cluster, along with their current state.. For more on replication slots, see Section 25.2.6 and Chapter 46. repmgr 3.0.4 and postgres 9.4 on ubuntu (ERROR ...

What is the proper way to replicate a ChildActorComponent ...

Replication Slots (Note: there are “physical” and “logical” replication slots. We cover only “physical” replication slots in this article.) Replication slots are uniquely identified by names. Each slot is associated with: the oldest WAL required by the consumer of the slot - WAL files later than this are not deleted during checkpoints PostgreSQL - data replication stopped - Stack Overflow The fact remains that either a human or some external piece of software must have dropped the replication slot, since PostgreSQL doesn't do that by itself. – Laurenz Albe Feb 8 at 6:40 I'm the only one with access to the primary server and I didn't drop the rep slot. postgresql - How to delete replication slot in postgres 9 ... Use pg_drop_replication_slot: select pg_drop_replication_slot('bottledwater'); See the docs and this blog. The replication slot must be inactive, i.e. no active connections. So if there's a streaming replica using the slot you must stop the streaming replica. Or you can change its recovery.conf so it doesn't use a slot anymore and restart it.

The publication 'TestX' does not exist. I recreated the publication and deleted it again, and still no change. After looking in Jobs, there were 2 Replication jobsI believe that the previous script I ran did not delete all of replication objects, hence the remaining jobs still hanging around. Hope this helps.

PostgreSQL logical replication happen pabulications does not exist in the change callback. ... ERROR: publication "sync_pub" does not exist CONTEXT: slot "sync_sub", output plugin "pgoutput", in the change callback, associated LSN 0/1AC2070 2019-03-00 00:00:00.000 UTC [1] LOG: background worker "logical replication worker" (PID 2811) exited ... Database · Replication · Geo · Administration · Help · GitLab Change the --slot-name to the name of the replication slot to be used on the primary database. The script will attempt to create the replication slot automatically if it does not exist. If you're repurposing an old server into a Geo secondary node, you'll need to add --force to the command line.

Change History | AllegroGraph 6.5.0

I'm not a DBA but I have been tasked with setting up a database and streaming replication and repmgr is the tool I have decided to use. The master goes on fine and I can see it registered in the replication slot "repmgr_slot_2" does not exist after standby ...

PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.6: pg_replication_slots

Delete a push subscription at the Publisher (from the Local Publications folder in SQL Server Management Studio) or the Subscriber (from the Local Subscriptions folder). Deleting a subscription does not remove objects or data from the subscription; they must be removed manually. To delete a push subscription at the Publisher

PostgreSQL logical replication happen pabulications does not exist in the change callback. ... ERROR: publication "sync_pub" does not exist CONTEXT: slot "sync_sub ...